Friday, May 11, 2012

It's Run Time

We're down to 29 days! And we can officially go and register for our marriage license now! I told Adam today that I feel like I could just cry at the thought of how close the big day is! I feel like I've always wondered and dreamed of what it would feel like to be so close to the day you get married, and I have to say, it's so weird! It's almost a surreal feeling!

I've been trying to do some research on the local running clubs in Little Rock to see what I could get involved with once we move. I've got my eye on this club, the Hot Legs Run for Fun running club! It's a group of women who meet for group runs on a regular basis all around the Little Rock region. As far as a run calendar for races it looks like there's consistently at least a 5K every month for the rest of the year. Here's the schedule I found for races in Arkansas up through December. Maybe I can drag Adam to a few of these :-)
In October, there's a run called the "Little Rock Mud Run" I'm already itching to put this one on the books. It sounds like a fun newlywed activity! We did the Warrior Dash last year, and I would HIGHLY recommend it! Even if you aren't typically a runner, just get out there and do it! It was a blast! This year is the first year it will be in Arkansas and I'm so sad we won't be there yet for it! The race actually is TOMORROW, so it's too late to sign up, but put it on your to-do list for next year! I've had a few friends do this run: The Color Run. That link will shoot you over to the Memphis ones coming up in October. Check out the website, there's over 30 locations! It's a 5K, but along the route at every kilometer you encounter magical color dust that will turn you into a rainbow by the end of the race! That wasn't the best description, but it's pretty awesome! It's so great that they're starting to make 5K's more than just 5K's so that people who maybe weren't runners before can become inspired to be active and change their lifestyle! Come on, running can be FUN!

 "Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it."-Oprah 
Not sure how much running Oprah does, but I think the woman has it right! The hardest thing is stepping out your front door, or getting on that treadmill and pressing the start button. Or even just finding enough time in our hectic schedules to put our tennis shoes on. But once you finish a good run, it's the most rewarding and instant feeling of satisfaction out there! Along the route of my recent half marathon, a man was holding up a hand painted sign that read, "If it were easy, everyone would be doing it." And he's right. Even if you're jogging at the slowest pace, or walking a few minutes every day, you're one step closer to a healthier lifestyle than someone sitting on their couch. Getting off the couch is indeed difficult. There are just too many diseases we can prevent by MOVING our bodies, that I refuse to live a stagnant lifestyle!

Over and out, and off my soapbox.
-the Future Mrs.

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." -John Bingham

1 comment:

  1. I've had my eye on the mud run for awhile, but the color run is knew to me! Sounds like so much fun! Andy and I are in.
