Monday, April 9, 2012

God is good, All the time

Today is April 9, 2012.
Which can only mean one thing...

I know, I know. 
Maybe it's a bit excessive to be counting down as much as I am. 
But, I believe I would be worried if I wasn't this overly, and extremely, and annoyingly excited. 
So you only have to put up with this for approximately 61 more days! WOOHOO!!!!

In other news...
ADAM GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!
And in case you missed the fine print of my previous status update...

That's right...Arkansas can't get rid of me that easily!
I never would have thought, not in a million years, that A. I would attend college in Arkansas, and B. I would end up married, in Arkansas. 
God has a funny sense of humor. 
I couldn't be more happy with how things worked out, though. Little Rock is almost EXACTLY in the middle of both our families, 5 from mine and about 6 from Adam's, and Andrew & Anna will be about 45 minutes. It was a perfect compromise, and is just the right distance for a weekend trip home to either. We've both always loved Little Rock, and we've already started making a list of places we need to "re-date." A few of our really close friends from school won't be too far either, which we're super pumped about!
Get ready Arkansas, looks like you're going to have 2 sets of Ingles to deal with now!

We've also started looking at places to live, now that Adam has his job secured and we can sleep a little better at night :-)
Right now we're looking into an old historic home that's been renovated into 4 large apartments. It's about 2 miles from downtown LR, so super convenient for Adam's job. In fact, he could probably ride his bike if he wanted to. We're going to look at it in two weeks when I'm in Searcy, so we're excited to finally apartment shop together for our first place! 

These next few weeks are going to be jam-packed with craziness, and then hopefully May we can focus on finishing up wedding details and getting me packed up and ready to fly the coop. 
This weekend is my lingerie shower & bachelorette party. I'm SO excited. I've been needing some good girl-time for a while now and I can't wait to have so many of my closest friends together at once!
Then nexxxt weekend I'll be in Searcy for our last premarital counseling session and our apartment hunting excursion. 
Weekend after that is my half marathon with my sister-in-law, and Adam & his sister, sister-in-law, mom, and 2 nieces are coming to stay with us, and it's our wedding shower with my church!
Then weekend after that, is ADAM'S GRADUATION!!!!
So excited for him. I know he is more than ready to get out of there and I am so proud of how hard he's been working!
Then the next 5 weeks is smooth sailing until the wedding festivities begin! 
Whew, I'm worn out just thinking about it! My to-do list is growing daily! 

I just can't get over how incredibly blessed we've been with Adam's job. It's a great company, and I know Adam will do great things through it. He is so smart, (though nerdy at times :-) ) and I can't wait to call him my husband. We've been praying and praying for months and weeks and days and nights that something good would work out before the wedding and for this huge burden of stress to be lifted. I think I almost cried when he called and told me the good news. Bless his heart, I can only imagine how relieved he was. Growing up we're always taught that the husband is to be the provider, and it was so important to him for him to be able to fill that role. It's so hard to fake the "I'm not stressed, something will work out, don't worry about it mom & dad..." look, and a few weeks ago I think we both were just at the end of our ropes about it and knew that there was nothing more we could do than pray, and pray hard. I think I've only prayed for one other thing more than this in my life, and God delivered on both. I'm not usually overly outward about religious things, but when God proves me wrong and answers prayers and knows exactly what I need, and when I need it, it blows my mind away. So with that said, God is good, all the time.

-the Future Mrs.

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