You know how the vows go. For better or worse... Well I've not only had a few years now to get to know the amazing, wonderful, handsome, sweet, polite, side of this fiance of mine- I've also gotten to know his funny, goofy, strange, odd, weird, special, and different side. It has been equally reciprocated. I remember when we first started dating, a full hair/teeth/and nose inspection preceded every meeting. I couldn't afford to let him see me not at 100%! Girls, you know the ropes. Even every outfit has to pass the night-before deliberation. When on those first dates, you lie about having to go to the bathroom because that would be weird. You order water on every date and don't eat half your meal because you would hate for him to think you are a pig when really you want to scarf that burger down in two bites. HA. Funny how things change! Needless to say, it didn't take long for Adam and I to fully be ourselves around each other, and realize that that was really something special.
Being me, I have collected quite the stock pile of photos of us over the past 3 years. Some are better...some are worse. I thought it would be fun to take a little walk down memory lane and share a few photos that have been hidden in my vault of embarrassing moments. I think a couple of these you may have seen, but I still think they're hilarious. Therefore, enter Adam and Sarah...unedited and maybe even never before seen! Don't worry, I was given permission to do this. After all, when you're married aren't you supposed to consult each other on big decisions or something like that?? :)
No words for this one.
Can't wait to marry THAT face!
You can expect this for our first Christmas card.
Maybe we'll throw this one in just for kicks.
I win.
Pure happiness.
We're weird...I know :)
I have a feeling one day we won't think this is funny.
That's my angry face.
This is Adam' idea face.
Get it.
Perfect timing.
Adam loves to swing. It makes him feel like a 5 year old.
Maybe this will be our Christmas card instead.
Just call us Simon and Garfunkle.
Why the sun decided to shine every ounce of its rays down on me I have no idea.
Adam likes to pretend like he's taking senior photos.
I like to pretend like I can make the prettiest faces ever.
We've learned to better align our photos since then. Thank goodness.
Adam's face says it all.
Don't ask.
Check out that chin!
What a gem this one is!
and there you have it. A peak at some of our worst/goofiest photos. Unfortunately there were several even better ones I was dying to post but I can't find them :( Hope these made at least one of you laugh!
-The future Mrs.
haha...golden! I love old pictures like this. :)
ReplyDeleteI think #2 and the prego one are my a few others.