We're back!
With a brand new blog, title, and even less days until our wedding!!
Today marks 96! (or basically 95) I can hardly believe we're under 100!
Since we last updated everyone, we were fortunate enough to spend the past two weekends together.
Weekend before last, Adam came to Nash and we went on a double date with my brother and sister-in-law to see
Needtobreathe at the historic
Ryman Auditorium. They actually played at Harding a few days prior, which is pretty neat :) I figured if Adam was going to marry a Nashville girl he owed it to the great state of Tennessee to see at least one show at the Ryman. Here's a link to their final song, which basically rocked everyone's socks off. Check it out!
We also added another essential to our registry:
our bedding.
I had been holding off and holding off until I found something that was just perfect and this weekend the stars were aligned! We picked out a beautiful duvet cover and shams from Pottery Barn. I think it is a perfect combination of our tastes and will go wonderfully with the rest of our future home! Here's what it looks like:
We picked out some basic taupe sheets, and a fabulous down comforter at our other stores.
Oh Pottery Barn I just love you!
During the week, mom and I got several things accomplished. We got my rehearsal dress, she got her mother of the bride dress, met with our Loveless Barn coordinator and designed the floor plan, took care of our wedding cake and grooms cake, got our invitations in, booked day-before festivities for my bridesmaids, picked out my bridesmaid luncheon menu, and ordered our wedding favors! Whew! In two weeks mom and I are flying down to Southlake, TX for our first bridal shower!!!!!!!! So, so, so, so excited!!!! Mom has never been to Texas, or met Adam's sister's side of his family, so I can't wait for her to meet them and see where Adam grew up :)
Fast forward a very short week, and now we're at this past weekend. I drove to Searcy and got to spend a GORGEOUS weekend with Adam, and some of my best friends I just don't get to see often enough! And of course, some precious future family and an adorable crazy nephew and sleepy niece :)
On Saturday, Adam's sister-in-law Anna took some additional engagement photos for us! We both wanted some fresh, springy photos so we were excited we had Anna at our beckoning! Later that day, we had our first premarital counseling session. No, not because we're having problems, but because marriage is such a serious endeavor that we want to be as prepared as possible. I truly believe in it, and wish that every couple was required to go through it. I'm excited to progress in our sessions and grow even closer than we already are.
I recently read, "His Needs, Her Needs" by Willard F. Harley. I have always despised reading, but this book took all of 4 days to finish. I seriously lovvvved it and really got a lot out of it. The book focuses on the different emotional needs of men and women, and it really helped me understand some things I had never really thought about or took the time to understand. I would highly recommend it! It's Adam's turn to read it, and then we'll be able to have a little chat about it :)

This whole weekend was just really...wonderful. It was strange. It almost felt like we were back to the beginning of our relationship when everything was always smiles, giggles, and laughs. Not that it isn't always that way, but the infatuation period only lasts so long! It felt like we just really reconnected and now we're even MORE excited about the wedding, if that's even possible! Long distance is tough, and you'd think we'd be used to it by now, but a long distance engagement really is a test of two people! It's been tough, but I wouldn't have it any other way. We've learned so much about each other over the past 10 months and we know to never take our time together for granted.
So to sum it all up, we are just so HAPPY!! I just want to be married and start this grand adventure.
In case you haven't heard...we're thinking this grand adventure will begin here:
That's right. Adam did it. He's converting me to a Texan! Dallas, here we come!!!!
-the future Mrs.