Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Romans 8:28

Hello, friends!
These past few weeks have been one crazy roller-coaster! I'm sure our parents' heads are spinning!
One minute we think we're living in Dallas...then we think we'll just stay in Nashville...then we decide that no, Little Rock is ultimately the perfect compromise. 
And indeed it is. It's almost EXACTLY half-way between both of our families, is a somewhat familiar town to both of us, and we have some pretty special memories from dating during our Harding days. Little Rock is actually a pretty cool town, and has three of our favorite things...
2. Anthropologie
3. The Rivermarket
Okay so maybe I slipped #2 in there...but maybe he won't notice ;) 

I'm sure all of you reading this think how crazy it is that we don't  know where we'll be living in 73 days. But trust me, we're fully aware of this, and it has been a daily prayer. We knew coming into this that Adam's job could be up in the air until May, maybe even early June. This whole process though has taught me so much about giving it all to God, and putting down my planner for once. I can't plan everything, and just when I think I have, He takes his holy white-out and scribbles something out. **ick, I can NOT stand to have scribbles in my planner!** I know that God has something great in store for us, and wherever we land will be perfectly figured out for us. In fact, it probably already is figured out for us, we just don't know it yet. 
But with all that said, we're starting to get the inkling that Little Rock just miiiight be that place. Good things are starting to come together, and we're praying fervently that the puzzle pieces keep matching up. So we'll see. We're both so ready to just land somewhere, find our first home, and start settling into the idea of our new town. It will come, but only with the Lord's perfect timing. 

-The Future Mrs.

Friday, March 23, 2012

It's getting so REAL!!

Last weekend my mom and I flew down to Dallas, TX (Southlake) and stayed with Adam's family for our first bridal shower! Friday was actually my birthday, so while we waited for Adam to get in town, my soon to be mother-in-law, myself, and my mom went to a fabulous lunch in Uptown Dallas, and then headed straight to the Arboretum! I've always wanted to go to the arboretum, but it isn't exactly on Adam's to-do list. It. Was. Beautiful. The flowers were to die for, and the sun came out making it even prettier. Here are a few flower pictures I snapped along our walk, okay maybe more than a few, but they're just so pretty! It amazes me how artistic God is! Check out these colors!

I've concluded I love flowers. 
But I think we all already knew this. 

On our way home we drove through downtown Dallas, and got to see the Grassy Knoll and the building JFK was assassinated from, and drove the same route they were taking that day. Talk about a strange feeling, but so historical and amazing. 

So Saturday, being St. Patrick's Day, Adam's parents cooked a traditional Irish meal of corned-beef and   cabbage. Sounds not to appetizing, eh?
It was delicious!! 

Ok maybe it didn't look exactly like this, but close enough! Well done St. Patty's Day, well done.

Sunday afternoon was our first bridal shower!!! WOOHOO!!!
A few of Adam's long-time church friends and family friends of the Ingles threw us a beautiful shower, and blessed us immensely. I can't even describe how much love we felt! It was more than wonderful. The hostesses gave us our Pottery Barn duvet cover and shams and I thought I was going to jump up and down in excitement!! So excited about our bedding no matter how silly that may be! Thank You Note Extravaganza will be commencing asap.

Here are a few pictures from our shower! I won't blog them all, just a few favorites :)
Ignore my glasses, TX allergies and my eyes do not get along!

All of the hostesses with the mosteses! 

Proud mom :)

Why yes that's a Star Wars lunch pail and a set of Star Wars cookie cutters.

Miss Layla was a little over the picture taking :)

Future Mr & Mrs!
78 days!!

Let's see, this week I picked out our ceremony music. 
Tear-Jerker. That's for sure!
So I guess next on the agenda is making our programs! Woo!
But is it bad that these are last on my priority list? I mean, it will really only be looked at for 20 minutes tops, right? Hmmph. The little things are easily losing importance the closer and closer we get to the big day. I just want to marry Adam and live happily ever after :)
JUNE 9th HURRY UP!!!!!
And of course I have an app on my phone counting down the days...but what bride doesn't??

I think I almost cried when I saw this in the church crazy!! I've grown up seeing everyone's showers listed and always wondered who I would be a "bride-elect of" :) I can't believe it's happening!

I can't wait to start going to showers for some of my other engaged fun!!! I'm so excited for them!! We're all growing up and I just love it!! Bring it on shower season!

-the Future Mrs.

Friday, March 9, 2012

3 More Months!!

Oh hello. It's me again. 
Two blog posts in two days, I am on a role!
I wanted to express my sheer **excitement** (nervousness...stress...can't-believe-it's-almost-here) on the fact that...

Holy Moly!!

2012 really is going to be a CRAZY year!! So many of my best friends will be getting married, or getting engaged, and I can't wait to see all of this amazing change take place!! I received two Save The Dates this week and I am just so excited!! This is such a fun age to be at, and a part of me wishes we could stay in 2012 forever :) Everything is just so exciting right now!

Here's a nice random fact for all you Diet Coke addicts out there:
According to Fox News, you have to drink 1,000 servings a day for it to even be considered dangerous.
Bring it on!

Also, remember when I said Adam's sweet sister-in-law took some 'springy' engagement photos for us to add to our collection? Here's one of my favorites...

You might see this hanging in my living room one day :)

Currently, I'm in the process of finally ordering prints of our engagement photos and some of our favorite older pictures to frame! I'm always game for backing things up on external harddrives, and discs, and online, but I am still old-school enough to want hard copies of most of my favorite pictures :) You can never go wrong that way!

Today I spent a good bit of the morning catching up with an old friend and honorary bridesmaid in my wedding, and most of the afternoon walking and enjoying the sunshine with my sister-in-law and nephew-pup. I'd say it was a pretty good Friday. A week from today is my birthday and then my TX shower!!! Texas, the Pence girls are comin for ya! 

-the Future Mrs.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Words of Wisdom

So these past few days I've been doing a lot of thinking about what I want to try to do. My list could go on, and on, and on, and on. But until I actually commit and make it happen, these ideas are pointless. 
Last weekend, out of a true labor of love, I sat down with Adam and watched the first two Star Wars episodes. Or really, episodes 4 and 5. But don't ask me how that makes sense, because it still confuses me, and probably always will! Anyways, in "His Needs, Her Needs" it talked about taking time to share in your spouse's interests and joining them in things they enjoy. So, I thought I'd start that off with one of Adam's greatest passions. 
Star Wars. 
There is a scene in the middle of the 5th one where Yoda says a pretty memorable quote. 
Kudos to the little guy. 
Here it is:

"Do. Or do not. There is no try."

How true is that?! You either make things happen, or they don't get done. I guess I'm just a big dreamer, but you don't get things you don't ask for, and you don't make dreams happen that you don't go after. And ultimately, being happy is your decision. 
And these little girls make me happy.

Can I wear a princess tiara and dance and sing and be best friends with Ellen and only worry about if I wear pink or not?!

But to tie it all together, life is too short to not do things you want to do. 

On a random side note, we bought these awesome coasters the other day! We're convinced it's an "I" but it looks slightly like the number 1. But why would the number 1 be on a coaster?? So for now, they're I's, which are near impossible to find!

-the Future Mrs.

Monday, March 5, 2012


We're back!
With a brand new blog, title, and even less days until our wedding!!
Today marks 96! (or basically 95) I can hardly believe we're under 100!

Since we last updated everyone, we were fortunate enough to spend the past two weekends together. 
Weekend before last, Adam came to Nash and we went on a double date with my brother and sister-in-law to see Needtobreathe at the historic Ryman Auditorium. They actually played at Harding a few days prior, which is pretty neat :) I figured if Adam was going to marry a Nashville girl he owed it to the great state of Tennessee to see at least one show at the Ryman. Here's a link to their final song, which basically rocked everyone's socks off. Check it out!

We also added another essential to our registry:
our bedding. 
I had been holding off and holding off until I found something that was just perfect and this weekend the stars were aligned! We picked out a beautiful duvet cover and shams from Pottery Barn. I think it is a perfect combination of our tastes and will go wonderfully with the rest of our future home! Here's what it looks like:

We picked out some basic taupe sheets, and a fabulous down comforter at our other stores. 
Oh Pottery Barn I just love you!

During the week, mom and I got several things accomplished. We got my rehearsal dress, she got her mother of the bride dress, met with our Loveless Barn coordinator and designed the floor plan, took care of our wedding cake and grooms cake, got our invitations in, booked day-before festivities for my bridesmaids, picked out my bridesmaid luncheon menu, and ordered our wedding favors! Whew! In two weeks mom and I are flying down to Southlake, TX for our first bridal shower!!!!!!!! So, so, so, so excited!!!! Mom has never been to Texas, or met Adam's sister's side of his family, so I can't wait for her to meet them and see where Adam grew up :)

Fast forward a very short week, and now we're at this past weekend. I drove to Searcy and got to spend a GORGEOUS weekend with Adam, and some of my best friends I just don't get to see often enough! And of course, some precious future family and an adorable crazy nephew and sleepy niece :)
On Saturday, Adam's sister-in-law Anna took some additional engagement photos for us! We both wanted some fresh, springy photos so we were excited we had Anna at our beckoning! Later that day, we had our first premarital counseling session. No, not because we're having problems, but because marriage is such a serious endeavor that we want to be as prepared as possible. I truly believe in it, and wish that every couple was required to go through it. I'm excited to progress in our sessions and grow even closer than we already are. 

I recently read, "His Needs, Her Needs" by Willard F. Harley. I have always despised reading, but this book took all of 4 days to finish. I seriously lovvvved it and really got a lot out of it. The book focuses on the different emotional needs of men and women, and it really helped me understand some things I had never really thought about or took the time to understand. I would highly recommend it! It's Adam's turn to read it, and then we'll be able to have a little chat about it :)

This whole weekend was just really...wonderful. It was strange. It almost felt like we were back to the beginning of our relationship when everything was always smiles, giggles, and laughs. Not that it isn't always that way, but the infatuation period only lasts so long! It felt like we just really reconnected and now we're even MORE excited about the wedding, if that's even possible! Long distance is tough, and you'd think we'd be used to it by now, but a long distance engagement really is a test of two people! It's been tough, but I wouldn't have it any other way. We've learned so much about each other over the past 10 months and we know to never take our time together for granted. 

So to sum it all up, we are just so HAPPY!! I just want to be married and start this grand adventure. 

In case you haven't heard...we're thinking this grand adventure will begin here:

That's right. Adam did it. He's converting me to a Texan! Dallas, here we come!!!!

-the future Mrs.