Hello, hello again! I was just itching to share some of my crafty ideas that my little mind has been reeling over for the past couple months. Yes, that's right. We've been engaged for almost 2 1/2 months now! Lord willing, the next 11 will also FLY by : )
Well, I think my first mission is to build one of these...
Oh yes. Our very own Cornhole game set. I apologize for the terribly low quality image, but that's all Google gave me. I'm picturing nice custom painted boards with our new monogram in the middle. aIs will look quite nice I think :) I may even use this site HERE. I'm super excited for me and the future Mr to spend a weekend constructing these! Maybe it will make an appearance at our southern chic reception :)
My second project I am determined to conquer is a custom headboard. I've seen these on a few DIY blogs, and am just swooning over how cute they turn out!
I'm picturing either a beautiful simple beige/off white or a fun neutral pattern like this paisley! If all else fails, chocolate brown is always a winner! The future Mr might not be too keen on a girly-pattern :)
My third project I am hoping to accomplish is creating a piece of letter art with photographs. I've seen these in several boutiques and there are a few websites that make and sell them specifically, but I want to create my own! If you're confused, this is what I'm talking about.
My goal is to find a perfect I-N-G-L-E somewhere in nature/out and about/on other signs and put them all together, add a mat and a pretty frame, and voila. Maybe this will hang above my custom headboard! I guess I should probably see about actually making these crafts before I start decorating our future house :)
On a side note- we scheduled our engagement photos!! AH! So excited. Not to mention I LOVE our photographer will all of my heart! I've pretty much adopted her as my mentor, so it was only fitting that she shoot my wedding! Check her out, she's crazy talented in so many different ways. You can find her website HERE.
That's all for now! Sometime in the near future I hope to reveal our FABULOUS wedding party!
-The Future Mrs.
Did I mention my future sister-in-law is having a GIRL?!!!