Alrighty everyone, prepare yourselves, it is my first ever blog post! I am no stranger to micro blogging (insert shameless Twitter plug for @ainglem here), yet it is my first attempt at big people blogs. As my sweet fiance describes in her oh so creative blogspot URL, Sarah and I are getting married!
Being our friends, you have all heard Sarah tell the story of the fateful night that I, without fear, knelt on the rock on St. George Island (St. George is the patron saint of England if you were wondering), and asked her to marry me. Well, as is true in all aspects of life, there are two sides to this story. This is my story.
After a wonderful dinner with the family, I persisted on a trip out to the cut, persisted being the key word here. That night, and most of that day, it was cloudy outside. I had to tell her three times that it would be a really pretty sunset and that we need to go tonight. Little did she know that I had a ring burning a hole in my pocket and I couldn't wait another minute. So, after much convincing, we hopped in the car and were on our way on the six minute drive down to the cut. We talked about the beach and people with hot tubs on their balconies on the way down, I don't remember much of it. We finally made it to the parking lot of the "Beach and Cut Access" and made our way through the neighborhood to the cut. Naturally, Sarah had to stop in front of a few trees and shrubberies and take what felt like over 9000 pictures. The sun was still a good bit above the horizon at this point, so I wasn't in too much of a hurry. We finally got the camera back in the bag and were off again. As we got close to the beach, a girl in her wedding dress accompanied by a couple photographers burst from the last house on the line. Sarah had said some stuff about how cute bridal portraits would be there and stated her jealousy of the photographers taking the pictures. Just down the path we saw a small wooden archway which we figured is where the girl would be getting married the next day. At the time, I was afraid that this would give away the situation and all would be lost; luckily, this was not the case. We made it down the to cut in perfect time, the Sun was just on top of the horizon just about to fall over. I asked her to remind me which rock was her favorite, she took some time in choosing it. As we sat, we began to discuss our relationship together. All the words that I had planned to say were completely out the window, I'm surprised I could even complete my words because my heart beating and my hands were shaking (invalid nerd tangent could be inserted here). But, I made it. I didn't think she suspected anything while I was talking about our future and our families. The Sun was at the perfect position. The situation was just how I had gone over it in my head: Sun was halfway down, looked as if the sky was on fire, gentle breeze, all alone. I then got up and gave her a hug, little did I know that she could feel my heart beating out of my chest. While hugging, I fumbled around in my pocket feeling for the ring. I pulled out a quarter thinking that was wasn't. I tossed it back in and finally found it. When I knelt down on one knee, I managed to find the most obscure, pointed rock of any beach in Florida. I then asked her if she would marry mean, screaming in my head "Hurry and say yes so I can get off of the terrible rock!" After a pause that felt like an eternity, she asked if I was really doing this right now; I responded with the only thing I could get across my tongue, "Please." The ring was put on the finger, she finally said yes, the rest is history (I never understood that term "the rest is history". Isn't everything stated in past tense history?).
And here I am now. Sitting in my recliner (courtesy of John Stone), and typing out a nice little snippet of the most nerve racking moment of my life. My fiance has gone home to Franklin, Tennessee and I am left here to work my life away and play World of Warcraft. We have a fun year ahead of us. A lot of planning for us (her) to get done before we're married. It's going to be fun. It's going to be crazy. A lot of things are going to change and we have to learn to be able to just swing with those changes and just let that carry us a little further down the road. This is going to be a fun ride.
I sure do love this girl.
-The Future Mr. Adam Ingle